Saturday, March 15, 2014


> Well where to start... So I'm not crazy. I kept feeling like part of me is. But now, I know I'm not.

> Unfortunately, I think I'm being stalked or something now which is terrifying. Does someone I know hate me so much to do this to me? I don't know... Why Remember Drew. And why May 04... Oh god may 04...

> I don't know if I'm able to talk about... Jeez how would I even... *sigh*

> May 4th 2005 I blacked out while at the park. I... I can't remember any of what happened. Next thing I see is the sky through a few tree branches. I had a miserable headache. They found me about a quarter mile from interstate 95. The date I woke up was May 4th, 2010...

> That's the short version... But how!? I haven't told anyone. Just my therapist and George and my family knows.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Hi, I'm Drew.

> So, here I am at my nifty new computer. Happy to finally be a part of the greater whole of the internet! Blogging, YouTube, League of Legends, lolcats, etc... My trusty old thrift-store craptop had some issues with overheating and a barely functioning wifi adapter so I gave it away. Good riddance.

> Reason #1 for starting this blog, a place to collect my thoughts and get them out of my head. That sort of thing is supposed to be therapeutic for one who has an over-active imagination.

> Reason #2 for this blogs existence, I want to talk to people. So please, make yourself at home.

> Things this blog will not be: Well written, cohesive, attractive in any way, interesting, the color purple.

> To the meat of this blog... I have been getting some weird videos on my computers desktop. Boring drab footage with instagram style filters. Floating words or sayings that don't make sense, but may possibly be poetic...? I don't know. My friends don't know either. They have been appearing for several months. One video every week, maybe two weeks. Virus scans find nothing.

> Fun fact, if you accidentally type your last name slightly wrong in google one time, it's stuck that way forever? Bennett. Two T's... *sigh.

> I actually haven't seen all of them. Most of the time they creep me out or I'm busy so I delete them and forget about it. So now, I will upload them. All of them. My doctor keeps telling me I need to do more creative things, so here. This blog. This channel. Creativity...

> I encourage you to watch the video I uploaded, and let me know what you think. If you have any observations or questions I'd be more than happy to talk to you guys.
